
"AR PL Mingti2L Big5" Chinese TrueType font by Arphic Technology

"AR PL Mingti2L Big5" is a high-quality Chinese TrueType font (bsmi00lp.ttf) generously provided by Arphic Technology to the Free Software community under the "Arphic Public License".
Greek font (Porson revival)


Greek font (Porson revival)

In England, during the 1790's, Cambridge University Press decided to procure a new set of Greek types. The university’s great scholar of Classics, Richard Porson was asked to produce a typeface based on his handsome handwriting and Richard Austin was commissioned to cut the types. The type was completed in 1808, after the untimely death of Porson the previous year. Its success was immediate and since then the classical editions in Great Britain and the U.S.A. use it, almost invariably. In 1913, Monotype released the typeface with some corrections, notably replacing the upright capitals suggested by Porson with inclined ones. In Greece the typeface was used under the name Pelasgika type. GFS Porson is based on the Monotype version, though using upright capitals, as in the original.
serif body text type


serif body text type

This is a body text type face that includes symbols for many European languages and fonts of regular, medium, semibold and bold weight and italic variants.


Thai Loma OpenType font

This package provides Thai Loma UI font from NECTEC, in OpenType format.
Free TrueType fonts for the Telugu language


Free TrueType fonts for the Telugu language


smart Unicode font for Dai Banna (Xishuangbanna Dai)

This package provides the Dai Banna SIL fonts which are a Unicode rendering of the New Tai Lue (Xishuangbanna Dai) script. Version 2.000 is the first Unicode release. (Version 1.0 was released under the name of 'SIL Dai Banna' in legacy encoding.) Two font families, differing only in weight, allow for a wide range of uses.