
new transport-independent RPC library


Library to trim replies from plain text email

Email Reply Trimmer is a very small ruby library developed by discourse team which used to trim replies from plain text email. Different parts such as header, body, quoted only messages can be trimmed independently.


Linux Kernel Headers for development (for cross-compiling)

This package provides headers from the Linux kernel. These headers are used by the installed headers for GNU glibc and other system libraries. They are NOT meant to be used to build third-party modules for your kernel. Use linux-headers-* packages for that.


open source coding font with bitmap-like sharpness (half loose tracking)

Monoid is customizable and optimized for coding with bitmap-like sharpness at 12px/9pt even on low res display.


RD Style for tDiary

RD style for tDiary (>= 2.x) format. based on Wiki style.


Gettext Style i18n for Modern JavaScript Apps - JavaScript library

If you don't specifically need a gettext implementation, look at MessageFormat instead, as it has better support for plurals/gender and has built-in locale data.