
Allow parsing of object rest/spread


shared library for I/O with FITS format data files


VCF parser based on htslib (Python 3)

This modules allows fast parsing of VCF and BCF including region-queries with Python. This is essential for efficient analyses of nucleotide variation with Python on high-throughput sequencing data.


GNU C++ compiler (cross compiler for x32 architecture)


GCC Quad-Precision Math Library (x32)

A library, which provides quad-precision mathematical functions on targets supporting the __float128 datatype. The library is used to provide on such targets the REAL(16) type in the GNU Fortran compiler.


UFO based objects for use in font editing applications

Defcon is a set of UFO based objects optimized for use in font editing applications. The objects are built to be lightweight, fast and flexible. The objects are very bare-bones and they are not meant to be end-all, be-all objects. Rather, they are meant to provide base functionality so that you can focus on your application’s behavior, not object observing or maintaining cached data. Defcon implements UFO3 as described by the UFO font format.