front-end for the arcade games emulator MAME
hard-core shoot 'em up game in blue-or-red world
tenmado is a vertically scrolling, late 1990s style (that is, a massive
number of enemy shots against a smaller-than-it-looks spaceship) shoot 'em
up game. A very accurate collision detection makes it a game of
dexterity. If something looks like a triangle, it is a triangle, not
a rectangle of similar size.
the game of life, simple console version
This is a variant of John Horton Conway's Game of Life
(a classic cellular automaton), simple console version,
written in FORTRAN.
connect pipes to get the water flowing from inlet to outlet
If you know the old arcade-game "Pipe Dreams", you'll instantly recognize
this. The goal is to connect different pipe segments to let the water flow
from the inlet and through as many pipes as possible, until it finally
reaches the outlet. This requires an even combination of speed, skill and
free music set for use with the OpenTTD game
OpenMSX is a music set for the OpenTTD game that has been built from
scratch under an open license. It allows the OpenTTD game to be played
without needing the music files from the original Transport Tycoon
Deluxe game.
R-Type-like horizontal shoot'em-up
Geki 3 is a horizontal shoot'em-up game similar to classic arcade games
such as R-Type or Zero "All Your Base Are Belong To Us" Wing. It features
four levels and various weapons.